Wildlife artist Gordon Corrins​
I’ve always had a passionate interest in wildlife conservation around the world and wanted to get involved in raising awareness of not only endangered species but also animal cruelty and mistreatment. This has led to me giving paintings or prints to animal charities and worthy causes to raise funds. It’s very rewarding to know that your work raises awareness for an animal that needs rescuing or is endangered. Quite a lot of my work is sold with a percentage of the sale going to an animal charity.

Since 2007 I have been concentrating solely on animals and wildlife but I wanted the work to have my own style and technique. Every project I work on I try to push materials and substrates a bit further.
I had been experimenting with erasing techniques and building up layers and textures whilst working on a small painting of our Border Collie Meg, I discovered how the highlights were so much more realistic when removing paint rather than adding more. This was my ‘eureka’ moment, a combination of the right paint (E'tac fluid acrylics and ink), the right surface (Kaolin clay covered board from Ampersand Art) and experimental techniques with the airbrush and various erasers and blades, since then I have developed these techniques further to produce the kinds of textures and ‘life’ I had been looking for.
Proud Patron of BDMLR
In 2019 I was approached by the BDMLR British Divers Marine Life Rescue about becoming a Patron of the charity, I was honoured to be asked and accepted straight away. I will be creating new works around marine wildlife in the near future to be sold on behalf of BDMLR which we hope will raise funds as this is not a government funded organisation.